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The Full Story

About Us


My name is Ketil Inge Hovdal, and I've been a lifelong student of money. This journey has transformed me into an expert on how money works—a knowledge that can be harnessed to shape your life according to your desires. For most individuals, this translates to having more time for themselves, their families, and friends, coupled with the financial means to indulge in the activities that bring joy. It's a path I've not only walked myself but one I've guided others on as well.

Today, I find myself at a juncture in life where I cherish moments with my family and friends, dedicating ample time to both old and new hobbies. A significant passion of mine is assisting people in crafting the lives they desire by making informed decisions regarding time and money. While I extend my services to individuals and business owners alike, this platform primarily focuses on aiding individuals in establishing a solid economic foundation and embarking on the journey to financial freedom.


Here, I offer my services as a teacher, mentor, and coach. I believe that enhancing financial literacy serves the greater good—knowledge often omitted from traditional education. By equipping my students with this understanding, I aim to create a positive ripple effect. Each student becomes a conduit, transmitting newfound knowledge to their circles, fostering better financial practices.

I specialise in teaching and mentoring individuals committed to working diligently toward their goals. Achieving financial stability and freedom is within reach for everyone today, but it demands hard work and discipline. This offer is extended to those who seek both the knowledge to attain financial freedom and guidance in implementing that knowledge.


My expertise is derived from a lifetime of curiosity about money and its workings, culminating in:

  • A Master's degree in Economics from the Norwegian School of Economics

  • 10 years as a Corporate Banker at DNB, serving as a strategic adviser and credit officer

  • Holding the position of Chairman in multiple corporations (currently overseeing seven)

  • Founding and managing several businesses (currently four)

  • A diverse investment portfolio including real estate, stocks, bonds, commodities, and options.

I am here to fast-track your journey to a better economy with the wealth of knowledge and experience I've gained over the years. Together, let's pave the way to your financial freedom.


Our Mission

At , our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to achieve financial freedom. We are committed to providing comprehensive financial education and personalised guidance, helping you navigate the intricate landscape of money management. By fostering a community dedicated to financial literacy, we strive to create a ripple effect of positive change, where each individual we empower becomes an advocate for informed financial decision-making.
Your journey to economic empowerment begins with us, and together, we are shaping a future where financial well-being is accessible to all.

Our Vision

In envisioning the future, we see a world where financial literacy is not a luxury but a fundamental right. Our vision at is to be a catalyst for widespread financial education, transcending barriers and empowering diverse communities.

We aspire to create a global network of financially empowered individuals who not only transform their own lives but contribute to the broader well-being of society. Through our commitment to excellence, innovation, and the belief that financial freedom is achievable for everyone, we are building a legacy of empowerment that resonates far beyond individual success stories.

Join us on this visionary journey towards a world where financial freedom is a reality for all.

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